The Canadian Mini Indy organizes and promotes special private go-kart events for anyone. It is a great activity to do with your friends, family, sports team, or for adult birthday parties, stags, and bachelorette parties. Special events are a great way to introduce new racing enthusiasts of all ages interested in getting involved in kart racing. Karting is recognized as the entry level and introduction into Motor Sports and our Special Events and CRKC Series provides for a safe, friendly and professional environment to get started.
Private Events consist of practices, qualifying and racing sessions with a complete training seminar for all new members prior to the event. Everything is provided including the high performance racing kart with speeds that start at 80 km/h. Members must come prepared with the proper racing attire to compete regardless of the weather.
Important Notes: All participants of Special Events will be registered and will take part in the Orientation and Training Seminar prior to being eligible to participate in any Special Event. We will provide your group with the training and make each participant a member. All members are required to have read and have a good understanding of all CRKC and Track Rules and Regulations.
Non-members are not eligible to participate in Special Events or any form of on-track activities, therefore our Orientation and Training will ensure each participant has a good understanding before taking part in the event. Orientation and Training occurs prior to the start of your event.
Great for groups with or without racing experience, who are interested in developing real racing skills, with speeds up to 80 km/h in a High Performance Racing Kart with no roll bars, no seat belts and open wheels. Safety is taken very seriously and members must come with a “Safety First, Racing Second” attitude.
Any member interested in booking a Special Event is asked to contact The Canadian Mini Indy by calling the track at 905-679-2122 ext.2, in person at the track, or via email at
Contact the Canadian Mini Indy for more information.